Have we ever told you how Chad and I {Brandy} met? Why would we have, really? Hint - it has nothing to do with furniture.

The short version is that it was very "Must Love Dogs"-like. One of the things we bonded over was the fact that I had a pit bull named Suvi. Chad is a big dog advocate as well, having a doberman and a chihuahua named Ramsey & Pablo. Together, our passion outside of repurposing furniture is
advocating for misrepresented dog breeds.
I like to think the two things are related. It's a stretch, I know, but hang with me here.... We take things that are unwanted, un-needed, and un-loved, and find them new homes. Wouldn't you agree that applies to both furniture and dog rescue??
Minnesota Pit Bull Rescue {Suvi's alma mater} finds solid homes for solid dogs. They temperament test their dogs, and their foster-based rescue requires training and an approval process before dogs are adopted out. They work hard to ensure that their dogs are great representations of a misunderstood breed, and that their owners are, too!
Carver Junk Company doesn't have any intention of starting a screening process before we "adopt" our furniture out to new homes. But we do feel the underlying principle is the same - we find solid furniture. We rehab it, and offer it as beautiful alternatives to purchasing new furniture. We offer educational options in the form of painting workshops that allow our customers to rehab their own furniture {in lieu of buying new or discarding}.
Have I convinced you that it's a natural partnership yet? Pit bulls and Junk?
Ok, ok. What if I just tell you that we wanted to do something heart-warming on Valentine's Day, and partnered with
Minnesota Pit Bull Rescue to bring in a
Puppy Kissing Booth for charity?? I mean, who really cares if it has anything to do with furniture?
For a $1 donation, you get sloppy puppy kisses from adorable pit bulls. We get to support our favorite local charity. The dogs get some visibility, and maybe some interested adopters. Win-win-win.

On Valentine's Day, February 14th, we'll have a kissing booth setup in the back of the Minneapolis store from 10 am to 6 pm. The address is 4748 Chicago Ave S. You won't be able to adopt dogs at the event, but the amazing volunteers there helping with the puppies will be happy to give you any information you'll need to learn about the dogs & the adoption process!
Who is coming to kiss some puppies??
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