Our third installment features the ladies behind Redefined Design: Jennifer & Erica.
This dynamic duo is the vision behind the recent succulent gardens, vintage book letters, and welcome stations you've seen at the Carver store! So crafty, creative, and they are also the friendly faces you've met if you've been in on a Saturday over the last few months!
Tell us about yourselves:
Redefined Designs is made up of a dynamic duo of creativity: Jen & Erica.
Erica is an Inventory Buyer for MindWare, an educational toy company, crunching numbers and data by day, but at night her creative side comes out and she gets covered in paint, ink and dust creating whatever her brain can come up with. During the day Jen is a Graphic Designer for National Salon Resources designing advertising and signage for 21 stores and after work she expands her creativity to include power tools, paint, and fun textiles. However on the weekends, we get together to get into all kinds of trouble. We travel to flea markets, thrift stores and work on projects together for the stores.

How did Redefined Designs get started:
In the four long years we have known each other, we have worked together at several businesses, attempted the craft show circuit together and have finally settled down doing what we enjoy most -- having fun creating all kinds of beautiful things.
Where do you {each} find your inspiration, and how do you make it work as a team:
Redefined Designs works having two designers because we both are inspired by the same things: typeface, measuring instruments, geography and all things vintage. We channel our inner creativity to turn the things we love into art. You will find these trends with almost everything we do: book letters, MN boards and pouches, etc. And best of all these are also the things we love to collect.
What is your favorite thing to collect:
Erica has a large collection of vintage measuring tapes, Westcott rulers and just for fun small birds and owls (even the ugly ones).
Jen has a growing collection of collections, not limited to: yardsticks, flower frogs, birds, stags, Shiny Brite ornaments, Putnam dye paraphernalia, anything with the alphabet on it, old maps, vintage scales and tools, charm bracelets, and sparkly broaches.
Do you have a photo/story of a favorite piece you've ever done:
[caption id="attachment_359" align="aligncenter" width="665"]
Antler upgrade with some chevron fabric and paint! These recently sold at the store! Redefined Designs @ Carver Junk Company[/caption]
[caption id="attachment_358" align="aligncenter" width="582"]
A $5.00 garage sale dresser redo that lives at Jen's house![/caption]

You can find Jen, Erica, and Redefined Designs on the Internets:
On Instagram at @craftygirlfrommg and @randominkstains
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